• AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Humans on destructive growth/metastasis and short-term private profit gained through the merciless exploitation of their own species and carefree destruction of our only habitat: “DO ANYTHING, DO EVERYTHING! MOOOOAAAAAAR NOW NOW NOW!”

    Per the Article, Humans when the consequences for the above arrives: "… If temperatures stay high or, heaven forbid, keep rapidly warming, it would suggest that we’ve broken the climate system. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen."

    Yeah, maybe if we clap our hands and hope, that will effect the only outcome our species has any interest in getting to by its own continued actions.

    👏I don’t believe in man-made climate change, I don’t, I don’t!👏

    Nope, that didn’t work, we’re still going to burn if all we keep doing is hoping.