Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said Wednesday he would “absolutely not” vote for former President Trump over President Biden in November, pointing to Trump’s foreign policy views and his character.

“No. No, no, absolutely not,” Romney told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on “The Source” when asked whether he would support Trump over Biden.

Romney explained there are “two factors” — policy and character — he is using to decide “who I want to have as the leader of my country and the person who is the example of the president for my kids and my grandkids.” He said are both vital but that character is most important.

    8 months ago

    Not really. The choice is between a fascist sychopant who did more damage to this country than we will likely ever know or an experienced statesman who has led the charge to undo said damage and bring us forward on many fronts. If trump had won again we would probably be chest deep in the worst depression we have ever seen and note that I said depression and not recession.

      8 months ago

      In terms of how voting math works? They are more or less the same

      In terms of actually showing an iota of backbone and giving a shit about the country? It is very different. Because if romney actually cared he would be encouraging republicans to vote for Biden and explaining that this shit has gone on too far.

      But the reality is that romney and cheney are basically going for the mccain “maverick” role. They are the good republican who has a line and cares about the country so vote for them. And then ignore when they basically vote on party lines on every single topic because they are only mad that they aren’t in charge.

        8 months ago

        Romney has made some half assed attempts but the sycophants have gone further towards the looney bin than Romney or his generation of politicians would ever have gone. Remember that they had an effigy of him on Jan 6. No one on the right these days cares about the country or anyone other than themselves. The entire republican party is now basically a pack of rabid chihuahuas, they are powered by hate, fear and loathing.

        Even if Romney and the few remaining sane repubs came out for Biden and pushed the party to get off the hate train, that train has already left the station and can not be stopped until it hits the end of the track and that will be when we finally fix the gerrymandering and prosecute enough of them for all of the crimes they have gotten away with for way too long.