The more annoying aspects of modern gaming are completely absent in Baldur’s Gate 3.

    1 year ago

    you’re definitely living life wrong.

    Hard to get context across in a post, this was only intended as a playful jab. I know all too well the consequences of aging and how it sucks your time away. Though I got divorced sometime ago and my (adult) kids live with me. I work full time but from home, the time I save on the commute allows me time to cook etc and not having to be up as early allows me to stay up later at night. But because of this isolation I don’t really get out much There’s no “other half” and friends are in short supply, no co-workers to hang out with in my free time. Which leaves me plenty of time for video games. Now is this a good trade off! I don’t think so, would much prefer to be in your shoes.