• Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    I think the problem right now is a lot of democrats (and non-MAGA republicans) are still acting like this is business as usual.

    So are a lot of voters. If I had a nickel for every comment on Lemmy alone from people who still think that existing laws and norms are even going to slightly slow Trump down or protect them, my unborn grandchildren would never have to work a day in their lives. People still flatly refuse to understand that (a) Trump does not care, (b) our judicial branch of government does not have an actual enforcement mechanism, (c ) Those who would normally be empowered to enforce the law are either on Trump’s side, have been purged, or have decided to roll over and play dead, and (d) our elected officials from both parties have literally rolled over and played dead as well at literally every opportunity as soon as they run into the slightest whiff of pressure.

    Our entire system of government was built upon what was little more than a glorified gentleman’s agreement that everybody would stay within the spirit of the rules, and because of that, virtually no consequences were baked into the system for those who refused to honor that gentleman’s agreement. Our founding fathers believed that our future leaders would abide by that gentleman’s agreement forever and ever and ever amen, so there was no need for consequences. If anything, we should consider ourselves lucky that it took 250 years before someone came along and realized that the consequences for taking a giant shit on that agreement were a whole hell of a lot of nothing, and acted accordingly.

    We are already at a point where the only change is going to come through violence. And given the amount of capitulation I’ve seen from our elected leaders, I’m not sure even that is going to work any more. Our elected leaders are obviously not going to offer resistance, and any attempt at citizen organization is just going to lead to the organizers being labelled as a “violent gang” and being disappeared straight to El Salvador long before their organization can achieve anything even resembling critical mass.

    • Randomgal@lemmy.ca
      2 days ago

      One more lawsuit true time bro, it’s all we need. One more lawsuit and we stop facism, for real bro. We’ll slam them.