Captchas I have read the instructions. I have searched existing issues and avoided creating duplicates. I am not filing an enhancement request. What happened? There are multiple privacy and telemtr...
Quite the irony then that people vote for LibreWolf, which is according to the same logic even more Firefox-ish (being a direct fork) than Chromium Chrome-ish (inverse relation). Not to mention Wolf looking half-dead, which sounds like a 0-day paradise. But whatever floats your boat, I just mentioned an alternative according to the OP’s query.
people are down-voting you because they don’t want chromium either
Quite the irony then that people vote for LibreWolf, which is according to the same logic even more Firefox-ish (being a direct fork) than Chromium Chrome-ish (inverse relation). Not to mention Wolf looking half-dead, which sounds like a 0-day paradise. But whatever floats your boat, I just mentioned an alternative according to the OP’s query.