• KingPorkChop@lemmy.ca
    5 days ago

    A belief system that we are better than everyone else

    I agree with much of what you’ve said, but I honestly think this is one point that is behind the downfall. America is basically apathy and hubris - no need to do anything because “we’re #1”.

    Even though personally people are suffering, Americans still don’t do anything in a large scale to fix the situation and actively vote against their interests.

    I think the only thing that will save the US is what is happening now, things get REALLY bad, and hopefully a rebellion that rises up and cuts out the rot.

    • DarthKaren@lemmy.world
      4 days ago

      This right here is a big issue. It breeds “I got mine”, and I see it constantly.

      Why do people need welfare programs? I’m not struggling. (literally said to me last week from an ex coworker) Why should I have to pay for other people’s health care? Why are people worried about jobs? I was able to find one easily. I don’t understand why people can’t save money. I can do it easily. Why do we need disability help? I can work when I’m injured.

      All of these results of the mentality of “We’re number 1!” We’re number 1, so there is no way that there are problems. See! Look! I am not struggling! So no one else can possibly be struggling either!