Donald Trump and Republican lawmakers are pushing to classify vandalism against Tesla as domestic terrorism.
Trump declared that those damaging Tesla dealerships would face terrorism charges, calling the company “a great American company.”
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene and others urged the FBI and Attorney General to investigate alleged Democrat-linked NGOs behind Tesla attacks, though no evidence was provided.
Greene may have violated House ethics rules by advocating for Tesla while owning its stock.
Is it still terrorism if you destroy a Tesla on January 6th at the U.S. Capitol?
I say we declare the GOP a terrorist group.
They did declare themselves that at one of the CPACs, so only seems fair to make it official.
Well then I guess I’ll see y’all at gitmo.
“We Are All Domestic Terrorists.”
There is a lot of shit people aren’t doing because they don’t want to cross the line and become domestic terrorists. You do NOT want to move that line over them.
OK, I’m going to commit international terrorism: fuck muskrat! muskdie!
Serious question: Historically, has a fascist movement ever been put down without the use of violence?
It always ends in violence. The kind of person that creates these racist movements simply does not operate with a human mentality. They wake up in the morning and their first conscious thought is to benefit themselves, the second one is hurting others to benefit themselves. They are pure evil.
Spain? Not super familiar with their fascist history.
I think that ended with the death of their fascist leader and then a peaceful transition towards democracy. So it can happen but only if your leader dies and the successor wants to reform the country back to democracy.
Stares JD Vanceily yeah we don’t have that
Quick history moment:
The US government has always treated politically motivated vandalism as domestic terrorism.
The FBI defined Earth First!, Earth Liberation Front, and similar radical environmental groups as terrorist organizations decades ago, because they spiked trees and burnt subdivisions and SUV dealerships.
The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act makes it an act of terrorism to vandalize a factory farm or animal research lab - even nonviolent protest that “intimidates” employees is illegal.
Some of y’all are acting like burning car dealerships was protected speech before Trump. Come on.
deleted by creator
We are all domestic terrorists
What a bunch of snowflakes. What’s wrong? Are we hurting his feelings? The richest douchebag, who doesn’t know what he’s doing, with his head is so far up his own ass I’m sure he can taste it, doesn’t like being called what he is? 🎻
Fuck him. I have no pity for fascists. 🖕🏾
Poor Musk
I emigrated from a country that makes it illegal to criticize leaders
only to end up in a country that is also about to make criticizing leaders illegal.
Just… wow
(from PRC to USA)
Come to UK / Europe. We’ve got universal healthcare and more robust democracy and many centurys long tradition of criticising and mocking our leaders.
Y’all need to invite Canada as a special member
Torching and destroying cars and dealerships isnt the same as some critical speech… The title is just a complete clickbait fabrication…
Oh they’re including the people holding signs.
If someone can’t say that Israel is wiping innocent lives off their homeland in a fashion that can only be described as a genocide without it being deemed illegal and grounds for a criminal offense and/or other punishments, freedom of speech does not exist. It is in no way anti semitism. Israel is a state, not a religion. Long before Israel was paying politicians in the U.S. for their states best interests whether for the good of humanity or not, Jewish people existed, and long after the U.S. and Israel are gone, Judiasm will likely be here. Judiasm isn’t asking them to murder children, politicians are ordering it.
Torching and destroying cars is already illegal. No reason to designate it as domestic terrorism.
If they are considered terrorists, it is easier for MAGA to justify sending them to the concentration camps in Guantanamo or El Salvador.
Is that the second one, with the 3rd trying to be in Costa Rica? I knew they were moving people to a more wooded area but I didn’t know where in central/south America it was.
I hate Elon and I don’t even disagree with targeting Tesla. But let’s be real. Mass targeted vandalism and especially arson are clearly forms of violence. The victims of this violence are civilians and the purpose of the violence is to achieve political goals through instilling fear.
Agree with the actions or not, that’s terrorism.
If people started targeting and burning down costcos for being woke/DEI, that would be terrorism for the exact same reason, not because the ideology is different.
People need to stop pussyfooting around the label and accept that words mean certain things. The issue is not whether or not it’s terrorism. The argument should be whether or not the actions are justifiable.
It’s like whinging about whether or not we say “Osama Bin Laden was killed” or if the person who shot him is a “killer” because killing in general is bad/wrong.
Now the government response of categorizing certain people vs others as terrorists matters. What it means for people resisting Trump matters. But those are different arguments.
Buddy. This is pure rage. Terrorism is calculated. And comparing burning a Tesla to Osama Bin Laden is fucking laughable.
I wasn’t comparing Tesla to Osama Bin Laden? I was making an analogy to clarify my point of calling an obvious spade a spade. Terrorism doesn’t have to be calculated, it just has to be politically motivated. I happen to agree with the political motivations and stance of the violence in this case. That doesn’t change what it is.
And what is an analogy?
Terrorism by it’s definition needs to be calculated because it’s required to be in the furtherance of a specific outcome. You can’t have that without it being calculated.
Those who make peace revolution impossible make violent revolutions inevitable.
It is bad practice to post links without also providing quotes from the source to support your claim. You are wasting the other person’s time.
It’s George Washington, his entire life is the support to their claim
You know, the founding father who lead the army during the Revolutionary War?
I would venture to say that almost every group and/or sovereign nation’s origin involves war/violence.
I thought a link to a George Washington with the phrase “political violence” was self explanatory.
That is George Washington’s Wikipedia page. It includes his whole life, there is plenty of information in there that is unrelated to politically charged violence. You can at least do your cohorts the courtesy of having a pointed and deliberate discussion. Put in a little effort, it doesn’t hurt.
You’re right. I shouldn’t expect the STEMlord nerds on Lemmy to understand things like subtext
Funny enough, you would probably categorize me as a “STEMlord” if you knew me in person. In general I try to keep these types of communications as straight-forward as possible online. Many non-productive discussions that I have seen online originated from statements meant to impose heavy implication. These kinds of statements are generally taken worse with the lack verbal communication and body language. From what I have seen, it is generally better to give these faceless discussions some effort up front to ensure level footing for both people.
PS: I do believe humanity needs professions outside Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
After 9/11 terrorism gained a much more negative connotation I think. Idk fully about what it was like before since I wasn’t alive but in Deep Space Nine you literally have a character who said she was a terrorist and that’s not really seen as like an inherently evil thing like it would be in the current day. I think people understood the nuance back then that sometimes terrorism ends up being justified when you’re fighting for freedom against an oppressor.
Totally agree.
Didn’t think they’d abandon Musk this quickly
So be it. Not unexpected when every head up there has a deep-seated persecution complex
“trump was right about everything”, denial is the first stage of grief. the rest will come in due time don’t worry.