Pope Francis experienced a critical asthmatic respiratory crisis, requiring oxygen and blood transfusions due to low platelets.
He remains alert but in more pain than the previous day.
As an ex-catholic myself I don’t like too much the Catholic church, but this dude wasn’t that bad comparing to all other Popes, don’t forget that millions of people listen and follows whatever he says. It would not be so funny if we get a nazi apologist Pope now, to be honest I hope he lives a bit more.
Yeah, but “better than the other popes” was a very low bar. This one had better words, but not so many better actions.
I think the point being made is that if he dies you are very likely to get someone far worst in a time where things are already at the brink.
Do you even know anything he’s done? He is by far the most progressive pope there has ever been.
Not even so, the supposedly progressive opinions he gave out were way overstated by the mainstream media. He was just rewording the “hate the sinner not the sin” BS
That’s a fallacy, or a strawman, or a scarecrow, I can’t decide which of these.
He’s already as bad as
a nazi apologist Pope
, just in small ways.
Saying that he’s good because he’s not doing the Musk salute is similar to saying Putin is not a belligerent fascist dictator because he has elections and doesn’t have fascist ideology.
They (Vatican) literally have a representative at dealing with oriental Catholic churches, that’d be Chaldean, Armenian Catholic etc churches. That representative is in practice as good as another ambassador to Azerbaijan. My paternal ancestors belonged to Armenian Catholic church, and as you understand something of historical value on that might be in Vatican or institutions\museums\whatever under its control.
While I do not disagree with you I think you missed my point. Like it or not, when he dies we will have another Pope, and I can bet money that the church is going to take the opportunity of the current trend to put a Pope that literally does the “Musk salute” and keep pushing their agenda… and like I said millions of people care a lot about what the Pope has to say. The last thing we need right now is a Pope that openly and aggressively supports far right governments in his speech.
The last thing we need right now is a Pope that openly and aggressively supports far right governments in his speech.
I’d weigh this variant you fear same or less as a Pope who is saying all kinds of things for sufficient sums of money from all kinds of governments, maybe not limited to governments.
Which would be similar to Francis, but Francis is dangerous in being subtle.
Funny how a man who claims to be the representative of God on Earth seems to be totally let down by the supernatural and entirely dependent on secular medicine for survival, like the rest of us. It’s almost as if he was nothing special at all…
It’s not too late. He can still turn from his sin and accept Satan into his heart. Or more importantly, his lungs.
According to one story of French philosopher Voltaire’s last words, his response to a priest at his deathbed urging him to renounce Satan was “Now is not the time for making new enemies.”
Not really. If you believe the teachings of Christianity, we were intentionally created as fallible and imperfect creatures, especially with the whole “leaving the garden of Eden” thing.
You might also say that God created us with the ability and skills to perform and improve medicine.
Worship shitty gods, win shitty prizes :D maybe try not running the world’s largest pedophile ring next time
It’ll be interesting to see how Prophecy of the Pope people handle it when this pope gets replaced normally like all the others.
Why does he keep going to doctors and hospitals? He should pray and let god do his will right ya ole bag?
European universities started as church institutions doing 3 things - theology, philosophy and medicine. So no, he shouldn’t.
Plus the Roman Catholic attitude is that God’s far too important to do little mundane things like that.
You have to put in the effort to get well, you can’t just sit back and expect God to do all the work.
“This pope is the best so far but he’s still imperfect for [reasons]. And so [impolite wishes for him to suffer]”
Watch people proclaim how they misunderstand how Perfection steals joy from Better, and how it kills efforts for incremental improvement.
The best pope is only as good as the worst priest. And either way Catholics have been pretty messed up over the years.
The only good pope is a dead one. There is no way to see them as valuable as anything other than an example of what not to dedicate your life to. Nothing but good comes from that religion collapsing.
But so far there’s always another. One day we will be rid of them. Hopefully we’re at least halfway through their chapter in history.
Yep. That is how I feel about this
may he rot in hell.
This is very bad, lung diseases is just about the ONLY thing the Pope could die of. Because it makes it impossible for him to pray!!!
Yes yes I know atheists say God usually responds with NO! anyway, but this is the Pope goddammit!! God wouldn’t say NO to the Pope…Would he?
Jessie what the fuck are you talking about?
It was an attempt at a joke on the fact that God doesn’t exist, which is why he tends to not answer prayers, which is similar to answering no.
So obviously even the Pope will get a no too.But apparently I failed miserably.
If you’re going to mock a religion it would be best to know something about it next time.
I bet I know more about Christianity than you do, which is why I mock it for being obviously idiotic.
Have you actually read the Bible? I mean the WHOLE bible, not just new testament.God wouldn’t say NO to the Pope…
Sure you do.
I’m posing question about the Christian god, what’s your opinion on it?
Does God tend to answer prayers?
Does God tend to answer prayers?