That seems like terrible wording. Why not just say the motive is unconfirmed with the suspect if that’s what’s needed to state it as fact?
That seems like terrible wording. Why not just say the motive is unconfirmed with the suspect if that’s what’s needed to state it as fact?
But do computer engineers get to stay?
I mean that’s what it was meant for, to pardon political victims of the court. None of it was meant to work with political parties though like Washington(?) warned though. But none of it was meant for that
It’s supposed to be a check on the judicial. Are you suggesting it should be vested elsewhere or just not at all? I wouldn’t remove any checks on this court personally
And the wage earner’s taxes will be used to bail them out when they make a bad bet
That’s just not true. Plenty of people have made a career in comp sci entirely to make money. What are you talking about?
I’m hoping against everything else that Johnson will stop protecting him because he’s now not worth anything to them now and isn’t worth the political capital to protect 🤞
If we’re going to have an autocracy
Yeah I’d rather not. I agree if that that were the only two options it would be preferable but I totally disagree that those are the only two options and I think it’s extremely dangerous rhetoric to say anyone should be an autocrat. Trump is about to be president and is the biggest threat to American democracy we’ve seen in anyone’s living memory. But he’s also about to become deeply unpopular again like every president does after election and particular bad as people start to remember what he’s like. That is a far cry from a guarantee that it’s over. Irreparable damage will be done but it’s just silly to race to the bottom
Wtf? That’s such a casual suggestion to dismantle democracy. Yeah let’s do that so we never get a progressive in office /s
Californians are in an abusive relationship. Blamed for everything and not allowed to leave
I have no idea how the doj thinks this could work. Do they understand what chromium is and how chrome funds it? Also isn’t Google in trouble for paying Apple to be the default search engine? What exactly do they think chrome would sell? It’s own browser native ads??? User data? I don’t like any of the alternatives here
Guy defends the pedo that got him his job. What’s new with the Republican party?
Also importantly the opposite of true. Immigrants commit far fewer crimes than citizens. This thread was such a perfect example of the initial point it almost feels staged lol
Was Gaetz 18? Also no one cares what you did, if you fucked a child it wouldn’t make it right. What a weird argument
Laws only matter where there’s a will and power to enforce them. This supreme court has made it clear the president can break laws if its an “official” order. I don’t think it’s likely but it’s absolutely possible. Europe didn’t see WW2 coming and plenty of Jews were German citizens. None of this is even unprecedented
The Haitians were here legally and he campaigned on kicking them out. And if you think the supreme court is about to defend any monitory’s rights you haven’t been paying attention. He’s gone on record saying it’s okay if they screw up a few times deporting people
Mine would be embarrassed
Why talk down to someone with a valid point calling them a sweet child and then complain you’re not an expert, I don’t get what your stance is here
You can’t just be a good cryptographer to break a sound encryption. It doesn’t work that way. You’re basically saying you know p=np which is… I’ll just say bold
He plans to deport birth right citizens if they’re living with illegal parents. He and the supreme court do not gaf about the law and a pardon isn’t some additional barrier they won’t ignore. If anything this would give them a path to normalize ignoring pardons