Auf Deutsch: Kinder in Berlin, wenn sie einen Zentimeter eines Gebäudes ohne Graffiti sehen
Same thing goes with pooping dogs on Paris sidewalks
Auf Deutsch: Kinder in Berlin, wenn sie einen Zentimeter eines Gebäudes ohne Graffiti sehen
En français : oeufs surprise au chocolat dans le beignet, quand elle un centimètre un bâtiment sans graffiti voir
(Première puissance économique européenne, vraiment ?)
Companies in any city when a square millimeter of building isn’t covered in advertisements
Berliner Mauer moment
Unpopular opinion: I find simple tagging and non-obscene graffiti in general less offensive than the spam flyers and company logo/QR code stickers everyone sticks everywhere. At least where I live the latter is also way more common.
Also goes for Rome
If you spray graffiti on public walls and get caught, then the punishment should be to pay for it and additionally police should come to those people’s home and spray everything there with graffiti. The books, the furniture, the clothing, the television, the walls, the windows, all their personal belongings. This would maybe teach them a lesson to respect other people’s belongings 😊
Somehow I doubt that the people vandalizing buildings own any books.
And the graffiti doesn’t even look good
If we’re talking tags, then I’m with you. But graffiti like this is more art than you find in a gallery nowadays. I’ll take that any time.
You guys have some shit galleries