The factory must grow!
Spent like 80 hours in the last two weeks playing Space Exploration. Send help
It took me 500 hours to finish that monster
Can’t find this game. Is the name written correctly?
Space Exploration in this case is a mod for Factorio
Factorio going Stellaris?
Playing my first non-vanilla run with Krastorio right now, and it feels like I’m playing a whole new game. I can basically kiss my life goodbye… again.
I’ve got 1500 hours on unmodified Factorio. If I installed mods I probably would waste away in front of my screen.
Which would be bad because then the factory would stop growing.
Install the Bob Angels suite of mods.
It’s the same game, just more ores, liquids, and things to do.
Takes about 120 hours to finish a run through.
I’ve heard this pack can be overly complex, but I know one day I’ll give into it and never be seen again.
It’s not really.
Start with just Bob’s mods suite then.
That alone just adds the extra ores, and not too much else. Really good introduction to an easier overhaul mod. Takes.about 60 hours to finish at a first go
I’m trying to do space exploration and Jesus it has a hell of a curve, especially if you’re playing alone
Yeah, I was tempted to try K2 + SE, but the last ounce of my sanity kicked in at the last second. It’s definitely next up, though.
It’s always cracktorio
I’ll call it a night in a few minutes. I need more iron…
No factorio would be this except its a positive review.
As someone who recently installed it, it took all of 20 hours to realize there’s either no or minimal MMR and I said fuck this.
Can confirm. I have been playing since the beta and I hate it, yet I keep coming back…
yeah. keep donating to russian businesses.
They need help. It’s literally the topic.
In case someone would like to know: I took this screenshot from the leaf blower revolution’s steam page
Wtf… The review gets a whole other dimension with this knowledge… It’s more the “help me” of an addicted now…
What did you think this was – with 3750 hours of playtime on record?
Somebody grinding hours…
which is different to addiction how?
Grinding hours on steam aka using s.a.m. , archi steam farm or similar programs to emulate playing the games for hours while the games are actually not running.
Yeah, like DNU said, something more grindy. Or something difficult. So more like PoE where you can play thousands of hours without seeing everything or knowing everything. Or like Black Desert Online with its afk mechanics. Or a game with a lot rng like dwarf fortress or rimworld.
Or speedrunning stuff. But some kind of idle… 😅 indeed unexpected.
Well maybe it is because said games are my timesinks… Even though I haven’t played any game as long as he/she did.
Ich wil
Was willst du?
ich will, dass ihr mir vertraut
Dyson sphere program
*They’re the same picture
(the dark fog update is seriously sick tho)
I haven’t played since before the update. It’s cool? I was worried it would take away from the main fun of the game. Is this not the case?
i don’t think so, but you can either entirely disable it, or make them passive, or tune it to your liking; there’s tons of customizability in the difficulty!
it’s honestly some pretty smart design in how they handled it! you should give it a try, see if you like it!
one little beginners tip that’s kinda important: they always choose the shortest path to your base (so pretty much any structure you build) and they attack based on your power consumption! (there’s a little widget that tells you when a wave is coming)
I tried to like it. There’s this… sucky element about it. Can’t put my finger on it…
Just one more turn, man. That’s all I need. Then Ghandi will pay. C’mon man I’ll go to sleep right after, I promise.
Motherfucker nuked my capital I’ll spell his name any way I goddamn please
Better give him some respect if you don’t want your cities razed to the fucking ground.
Path of exile? Never played it but seems right.
I have 3800+ hours on POE according to steam… I hate this metric
Pure addiction. Pls help.
RimWorld, I have hundreds of hours of playtime, (not including my previous extralegal copy) and now I am obsessed with:
- human nuggets (not that kind) (not immediately, anyways)
- organ harvesting
- human leather cowboy hats (and dusters)
- greenhouses (for weed* and cocaine)
- how do I fit the new turrets in my existing killbox
*not actually true, it’s all coke
Greenhouses are my weird obsession. Probably not very useful for most colonies, but just look so nice.
Not many people have played it I’m sure, but imagine this:
You’ve just downloaded a new free MMO. You figure it’s gonna be super pay to win, but it’s free so why not give it a shot anyway.
For the first few minutes, after you stop being confused by the UI, you start to take everything in. There are no classes, you can do whatever you want. Want to be a mage AND a warrior? Totally doable. Want to be a bard playing in the town square for tips? Thanks to the robust music system, you can. In fact, you’re having trouble finding anything you can’t do.
A few months later, things are progressing nicely. You’ve mastered every skill, played thousands of songs by now, got some pretty good gear, and you haven’t encountered even a hint of the p2w you expected. Life is great. However, you’re going to need a bit of a gear upgrade before tackling this next dungeon. You check how much it’ll cost you. 300 million.
You’ve never even seen more than 50 million in one place before. Nevertheless, you figure with hard work, you can achieve it. After a month, you’ve gathered about 100 mil by exploiting market bubbles to sell anything valuable as fast as possible and in as large of quantities as possible. It’s still not enough though. The cash shop begins to beckon you. You could pay a little real money to buy a cash shop item, and sell it for gold.
But you realize that in order to get the 200 mil you need, you’d need to spend over 100 dollars. You rationalize to yourself that hey, the p2w isn’t that bad if it’s easier to make the gold in game than it is to make the real money to buy it. You continue on your quest, but you run into an issue. There just aren’t any more bubbles to exploit. You’ve crashed the market in your quest to obtain all the gold you need without spending a penny. You cave, and buy just a couple cash shop items to sell and make up the difference. You get your shiny new equipment. You feel powerful. It’s such a huge upgrade it’s almost ridiculous. You feel like 20$ was worth it to have this much fun. Out of curiosity, you check to see how much your next upgrade will cost.2 billion. It’s too late. You’re addicted. Sunk cost fallacy has kicked in. You’ve already invested in your character, and that next upgrade is gonna cost you 2000$.
You can’t quit. You’ve tried. There’s just no game like this anywhere else. You will spend that money eventually, no matter how hard you try to avoid it.This is my story. I’m aiming to get that gold without spending a penny. It’s been months. I’m half a percent if the way there. It’s not gonna happen. Every day I have to pull myself away from that cash shop. It would be so easy, but so irresponsible.
But one day I will spend that money. The game is insidious like that. The only way to avoid it is to either not play the game in the first place or not give a shit about progressing. I am in neither camp.Genuinely, I love the game, but every day I pray it gets shut down before I have the chance to pay in that much money. It’s so hard to stop myself.
Dude. Uninstall it, walk away, get a hobby with that $2000. Something you always wanted to do that’s on your bucket list. There’s no way playing a P2W game was on your bucket list.
Buy a guitar, take some lessons. That would be way more fulfilling than playing something in a virtual town square for imaginary tips.
Or… you know… spend the 2k on the hobby you already have. Fuck it. Might as well dig a deeper hole.
Yes, Like Mabinogi
I know you’re joking, or at least half joking, but I literally am getting help for this. I have psychiatric appointments constantly to deal with how easily I get addicted to things and occasionally try meds to try to improve my impulse control.
I haven’t quit the game because my psychiatrist and the few therapists I’ve gone through feel the game’s actually been a net positive on my life, and the real problem is my impulse control. If I wasn’t drooling over a 2000$ staff I’d be buying 2000$ worth of 40k minis that I’ll never actually get around to putting together and painting. That actually already happened a little bit during a brief period where I quit the game, and I did indeed buy a bunch of 40k shit I still haven’t assembled.
I’m relived to hear that you actually got the help you deserved because I was serious. I know how awful it feels to not be in control of yourself or your motivations and I don’t want anyone to experience it
Have you been diagnosed with ADHD?
I am diagnosed with ADHD, but more pressingly I’m diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder. The manic phases from that make me try to empty my bank account at the slightest provocation, even after being medicated rather well for it.
The ADHD sure doesn’t help though, causing me to still be impulsive even when not in a manic phase, just less so. It’s also possible my impulse control in my manic phases is only as bad as it is because it’s combined with ADHD.
I don’t know about the other stuff, but my understanding is that people with ADHD have hard time avoiding addictions as is.
You rolled challenging traits in character creation, but remember that all negative perks give more experience. Keep it up. Godspeed.
It’s a serious issue how many games now are deliberately designed with compulsion conditioning tactics to get people playing and spending not out of legitimate interest but out of a manufactured “need”.
I heard stories of people who had to drop their favorite franchises, like sports ones, because they started to resort to that, and they knew they’d be too susceptible to keep playing without giving in.
You are addicted, try drugs instead.
I mean you already show impulse control. Just keep that energy up. If you one day cave in try again to not spend more money for as long as you manage.
I am collecting anime figurines.
Send help
deleted by creator
How would it feel to just uninstall?
2 billion. It’s too late. You’re addicted. Sunk cost fallacy has kicked in.
I think the Sunk cost kicked in by the time you chose to spend money to get those 200 mil, since you were “already a third of the way” and “worked so hard already”
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This has to be a copypasta.
This has to be a 15 year old kid.
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Sounds like you’re playing a more generous version of capitalism.
I’ve played a different one and resisted spending cash. One day I felt depression getting worse over my addiction to that game and had given all of my accounts to other players and uninstalled everything. It felt kinda bad for a week or two but then got better. I’d say you still can win that
Oh. It’s that game that has a song in DJMax Respect V. Who knew that such a cute looking game could be hiding something so insidious.
Minecraft. There’s always another automatic farm to create, a new cave to explore and a new mod to try out! Not to mention the fun that multiplayer brings…
I’m currently playing a modpack called Divine Journey 2 which I started back in the middle of October. 280 hours in and still in chapter 11 of the quest book (30 chapters in total) and it’s still addictive and enjoyable.
thanks for the recommendation! i have been slowly getting into modpacks. just tried this out for a few minutes and already look forward to exploring more tomorrow.
I’m very glad that you’re liking it so far. The tips you see at the bottom left of the world loading screens are actually very helpful so don’t miss them
i didn’t know Minecraft was on steam
After some time all the caves are the same though…
That’s why there’s mods! Also, if the caves get samey, you can always go end-busting or build a new project.
My groups new obsession is Vintage Story. Set up a server and we’ve collectively put in hundreds of hours over the last few months.
Clearly this is just Vim being launched through Steam.
Maybe you should :q your attitude
sudo vim /chumps/bin/lm_old
I’m not familiar with gg and dG commands, and when I try them on a text file in vi it says they are not valid command. What should they do? (maybe they are specific to vim, but I only have vi, it came with the os and it’s good enough for me).
Also, :x is WAAAAYYY faster (lol) than :wq 😛
Sorry I use them all the time on your mum I figured you would have known
Why? I’m not my mum. Looks like you are not even good at explaining the jokes. Not a surprise, she was not impressed either.
What!? Are you serious? She texted me later and said “Don’t bother coming over again” and I honestly took it as having satisfied her so thoroughly that all she needed was one time with me!?
Also in vim “gg” navigates to the beginning of a document (remember it as the opposite of “good game”, you are at the beginning). “dG” deletes to G the end of the document, G being the opposite command to gg in that it brings you to the end of a document.
:wq of course means write and quit
Elite: Dangerous has lots of players that complain all day and play all night. Probably EVE too
I found Elite: Dangerous incredibly cool. How many chances will we get to explore some version of our solar system? I know the game feels empty, but I found it relaxing for the same reason truck simulator is relaxing, just cruising and enjoying the scenery
EVE Online
I just started playing again after 9 years 😐
I end up resubbing every few years and just spin something cool endlessly, or get caught in WIS (RIP), or the ship map thing, or the exoplanet research project (RIP). I was really pissed the last time though at how expensive it has become. And I didn’t like the covid research minigame.
Miss the pain?
Escape from Tarkov… Fucking hate that game!! I’ll be on tonight 7pm central if anyone wants to team up.
Dwarf Fortress
Tell me about your favorite dwarf
She died doing what she loved - building an intricately smoothed Elf caravan killbox, decoratively carved with masterwork pictures of dead trees.
Tragically her lover pulled the lever while she was still inside.He’s a dwarf, and he digs holes
How has no one said WoW, so much time lost
Is the time really lost if you got a ballin new mount and ledendary weapons and have perfected your spe- yeah i should go touch grass :/
The day I quit that shit, such a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. I felt the same with Ragnarok Online before that and a stupid gacha a couple years after WoW. But nothing was as strong as the WoW quitting experience. No more chasing that rare spawn. No more soloing the old raids weekly on multiple characters in an attempt to get that 1% drop mount or a missing transmog piece. No more dailies. No more arena/bg capping. No more stupid farm. No more relisting AH items every hour to undercut competition during sleep hours. No more gearing Alts so they can join main raids in case one is needed.
The only thing I miss is the gruesome rigor in our attempts to get realm first on an insignificant, casual pvp server, just to stay in top1000. 5/7 raid nights. 6PM to drop dead. But lots of booze and banter on TS. Fun times.
It’s not a game, it’s a lifestyle.